Luke 22:31-32 And the Lord said, “Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.”
I want to let you all know that if I have ever given the impression that I have it all together and figured out, I am sorry because that is the complete opposite of the truth. I struggle too.
I have been thinking about these verses (Luke 22:31-32) a lot lately. One of the worst things we can do as believers is to be ignorant of the enemy's devices. He’s a cunning one. But even when we are aware of his tactics, we still may become overwhelmed. This is the time to stay in constant communication with the King, staying in the Word, fasting, watching sermons, spending more time in prayer. Something I believe that causes the enemy to flee is when we resist the temptation to believe his lies. And not only this, but also in our sadness, feelings of exhaustion, and feelings of being overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty, falling on our knees and giving God a shout of praise and worship. Worship and praise. I believe it threatens the enemy greatly when he sees that even in our despair, we still give God the glory He deserves. Stomp on the enemy’s head and remind yourself that he can by no means steal your joy.
Listen, sometimes the enemy will try to attack us. Jesus warned Simon, His beloved disciple, of this. But, understand that if we go on in life unsscaved, unchallenged, and unbothered, free of trials, and tribulations, we must be doing something wrong. The enemy attacks those who he knows are a threat to him. The enemy sees Who is on the inside of you. Why wouldn't he be afraid? So, whenever you are overcome with his fiery darts, quench them with Ephesins 6:10-20. My brothers and sisters, hide the Lord’s word in your heart. God protects His word, and it will never return void.
When the enemy tries to sift you like wheat, increase your faith in the Almighty God by getting in His word, and when you return to the Lord, strengthen your brothers in sisters in Chrsit who need to hear your good testimony.
Remember the 3 Hebrew boys.
I love you all,